Setup a Wallet to trade GRAMO
Self-custody of GRAMO tokens
To trade earned GRAMO tokens you need to send them to your self-custody wallet using the “withdraw” button of GRAMO app.
We strongly recommend you to self-custody your tokens using one of the following Algorand-compatible wallets:
Pera Wallet (Android, iOS, web)
Defly Wallet (Android, iOS)
To receive GRAMO upon a cannabis purchase in one of our cannabis partners, you need to use GRAMO app, but for trading GRAMO you will need your own Wallet and self-custody your tokens.
Remember to allow your wallet to receive GRAMO ASA:
This process is called opt-in, and is very easy to perform in one of the two recommended wallets.
Basically, you need to +Add New Asset and introduce GRAMO ASA ID – 393498731
Have a look in these videos on how to create your wallet and perform the opt-in